City Beautiful Movement
Former US Custom House, Downtown Manhattan
Manhattan Municipal Building Lookup, NYC
City Hall Subway Entrance Manhattan Municipal, NYC
Central Arched Vault Manhattan Municipal Building, NYC
Walking through the Centra Arch
New York State Appellate Supreme Court, NYC
Custom House Sculpture Americas, NYC
Manhattan Municipal Collande Plaza, NYC
Gustavion Tile South Arcade, NYC
Surrogate Court Building Chambers Street, NYC
Solider's and Sailor's Monument, NYC
The Washington Monument, Washington DC
Manhattan Municipal Corinthian Columns, NYC
Surrogate Court, NYC
The Field Museum, Chicago
Washington DC Union Station Walkway
Immigrant Industrial Savings Bank, NYC
Field Museum, Chicago
Union Station Main Concourse Washington DC
The City Beautiful Movement was an urban planning movement of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that promoted the creation of beautiful public buildings to inspire civic virtue pride and engagement.